I couldn't fall asleep. I drank a MEAN BEAN JAVA MONSTER today, but that was at three o'clock PM, I don't see how it could of, but I guess thats what caused me to not fall asleep.
I layed in bed for three hours until I said "fuck it", I did every single method ever to try to sleep. Fapping, spinning, turning sides, relaxing music (I'm surprised Atomic didn't do anything), relaxing, counting numbers/sheep, FAP AGAIN, SIT UPS (WHO THE FUCK DOES THAT), many things.
So, I'll just be up, and actually, this is truthfully my first time staying throughout the night. Whatever, I'll set up my camera, take a good picture of the sunset. I feel a bit dizzy, but thats probably because I layed down in bed for those three hours and I do have a headache, also because of when I spinned around and tried giving myself a heache in hopes of falling asleep.
Nothing Ibroprofen can't cure. Well, better drink up on some tea, probably open a Rockstar to make it through the day.
Also, four days until I leave.
EDIT: SO FUCKING TIRED, CAN'T...STAY AWAKE, SERIOUSLY. I'm going to bring out the tea.
EDIT: Well, I have a bottle of tea, I fapped and I seem more awake...but still I am drowsy. I can't wait until this day is over.
EDIT: Awww yeaaa, hot fries and more tea wake you up. Its now 4:00PM, almost been TWELVE hours since I made this post. Wow, that seems like a long time really.
EDIT: 5:18...I'm suddenly so tired, its hard maintaining ti be awake. A good fap should do it.
EDIT: 9:13...actually, I know I'm tired, but I'm not as tired as before
LAST EDIT: Well, I woke up at 11:00 am, got a good sleep, went to bed at 11:30, slept for about 12 hours really. I'll make one last post before I go.