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americanidiot2f's News

Posted by americanidiot2f - July 31st, 2008

Yea, so I just saw the Dark Knight, the only reason why I couldn't see it earlier is because I didn't have anyone to go with.

I won't write a huge review for it, but it was great and genius. The Joker reminded me of Jigsaw in a less disturbing way. It was probably the best summer movie so far next to WALL-E. All the unexpecting twist were great too, and how Batman delt with the Joker was great too at the end.

I could see that Two-Face will come back.

Posted by americanidiot2f - July 24th, 2008

Posted by americanidiot2f - July 15th, 2008

I'm sure some of you know the incident with that 4chan fandango thread. I did download the game, next day computer was all fucked up. At first it didn't seem like much, but soon, after I system restored, it got worse, until the point where I couldn't acess the internet.

So, this morning, after last night making the recovery disc just in case, I had to reformat. Everything is basically gone, and everything seems to be slower. Probably I didn't activate all four cores yet and must do so. Some things don't seem to be working actually.

Now really, I never minded the SS, they weren't the most horrible spammers, but they didn't have to create this virus.

Oh for fucking hells sake, so last night WHILE MAKING THE RECOVERY DISC TO SAVE MY COMPUTER, my dad caught me at 2 in the morning MAKING THE RECOVERY DISC, told me to go to bed AND LUCKILY, I was on the last 17th disc. Now he tells me that I'm not allowed to stay past 12. This wouldn't be a problem on school days, since I get off pretty early, but its the fucking summer. Fucking midnight. For fucks sake.

Well then, I just reformatted my computer, sleep at twelve, this seriously is FUCKING horrible. If there was a emoticon, eviler then angry faic, because Mad as Hell looks horrible, I would use it infinately.

I just got a tablet
I'm having one of those days where horrible things happen, then something great happens, and it becomes an extremely unbalanced day.

Posted by americanidiot2f - July 6th, 2008

So, I went to Kansas for a week, if anyone saw my inactivity. It was okay, heres how it went and all that I can recall.

Saturday DAY 1- so I leave and go into a shuttle with my family at around 4am, arrive to SFO airport, leave and fly to Texas. From there we take another plane to Kansas. We arrive, go to my grandparents house and get settled. Nothing much happened, but the unexpecting happens. My dad reads in the paper that theres an Iron Butterfly (I'd shit bricks if it was Iron Maiden instead), so we went to the open concert for the last 30 minutes of it.

Day 2- Nothing much, I had to help out working and all, later in the day we bought some firecrackers to played with those. It was my first time playing with real firecrackers since its illegal where I live.

Day 3 - I actually got to drive my dads rented van around this lot for a couple of minutes, it was quite the experience driving for the first time

Day 4 Tuesday - Moar nothing.

Day 5 - We went to this underground salt mine open for show. It was great and amazing, go to take some salt crystals back.

July 3rd - Fired some more firecrackers/works.

July 4th- I shot of a lot of fireworks/ firecrackers. It was better than a show you go and see, we actually had huge fireworks going into the sky everywhere in the neighborhood and got to do them ourselves. There was fireworks everywhere really and sparkling fountains, it was quite amazing.

July 5th - Went and saw this dome-theatre movie, it was a great experience, its one of those films that makes you feel like you are moving, but it wasn't the best. We went to a baffet and then packed up

Thats how it all went, I'm glad to be home though.

Posted by americanidiot2f - June 25th, 2008

So, this Saturday, I will be leaving to go to Kansas for a week and will be back the following Sunday. The plane is leaving at 6am, the shuttle is coming at 3:50am, I gotta wake up at the maximum at 3am.

I don't know if there is a good wi-fi connection there though, but most likely, I will have no computer/internet access. Even if I find a good Wi-Fi connection, I won't be browsing the internet much. I would get it from my iTouch and so that would make it lose its energy quickly.

Most likely, I would jut deposit my experience and maybe talk to some people on MSN/AIM from www.meebo.com.

I'm going to a suburb, NOT A FARM, and yes, there are actually things to do in Kansas.

oh god, I hate planes D:

EDIT ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
So, TheGlueStickMan from Newgrounds asked if I could do voice acting (I don't know why, my voice is horrible, I can't voice act) and so the flash did make it through, and its here:

I did the menu in about 20 minutes, I bet TheRadicalOne's voice and my main menu did wonders for the flash.

Also, about that flash I'm working on, I'll actually upload TWO (HOLYFUCKINGSHIT) previews tomorrow :D. Not on NG though, just a flash hosting site.
I'm going to though, try to earn some money for a tablet. More flash will actually be created when I get a tablet, it just seems faster for me since I'm good at art by hand. Mouse isn't my thing.

So if you are interested in seeing what I've done, I'll update this with two links.
here they are
http://www.swfpages.com/view/101459.ht m

http://www.swfpages.com/view/107210.ht m -----takes longer to load, has no preloader, wait. Also, replay works, but there are sound problems. Syncing doesn't work for some reason, but its fine in flash :\

Okay, I'm going, cya.
Also, Wall-E is just pure fucking awesome, you gotta see it, it seriously is one of Pixar's best.

Posted by americanidiot2f - June 23rd, 2008

I couldn't fall asleep. I drank a MEAN BEAN JAVA MONSTER today, but that was at three o'clock PM, I don't see how it could of, but I guess thats what caused me to not fall asleep.

I layed in bed for three hours until I said "fuck it", I did every single method ever to try to sleep. Fapping, spinning, turning sides, relaxing music (I'm surprised Atomic didn't do anything), relaxing, counting numbers/sheep, FAP AGAIN, SIT UPS (WHO THE FUCK DOES THAT), many things.

So, I'll just be up, and actually, this is truthfully my first time staying throughout the night. Whatever, I'll set up my camera, take a good picture of the sunset. I feel a bit dizzy, but thats probably because I layed down in bed for those three hours and I do have a headache, also because of when I spinned around and tried giving myself a heache in hopes of falling asleep.

Nothing Ibroprofen can't cure. Well, better drink up on some tea, probably open a Rockstar to make it through the day.

Also, four days until I leave.

EDIT: SO FUCKING TIRED, CAN'T...STAY AWAKE, SERIOUSLY. I'm going to bring out the tea.

EDIT: Well, I have a bottle of tea, I fapped and I seem more awake...but still I am drowsy. I can't wait until this day is over.

EDIT: Awww yeaaa, hot fries and more tea wake you up. Its now 4:00PM, almost been TWELVE hours since I made this post. Wow, that seems like a long time really.

EDIT: 5:18...I'm suddenly so tired, its hard maintaining ti be awake. A good fap should do it.

EDIT: 9:13...actually, I know I'm tired, but I'm not as tired as before

LAST EDIT: Well, I woke up at 11:00 am, got a good sleep, went to bed at 11:30, slept for about 12 hours really. I'll make one last post before I go.

Posted by americanidiot2f - June 19th, 2008

"Quest Of Your Life"

Posted by americanidiot2f - June 9th, 2008

Great song.


/* */
FULL VERSION (Video may not work)

/* */
LIVE FULL VERSION (Sound quality is good, but a little high because its live)

/* */

Posted by americanidiot2f - May 31st, 2008

If you ever find a signal, great because the iTouch internet is pretty good. I was at my friends house and he had wifi and so I was able to message some people on AIM/MSN and actually went to the forums here.

The only downside is that we cannot watch flash videos (and I'm not only talking about flash animations, but video too) which is most of the video on the internet. They say they will release flash for the iTouch. Though youtube does work on flash, there is a feature already there that will allow you to acess youtube videos. It is pretty convient.

Posted by americanidiot2f - May 8th, 2008